Allan is gradually losing vision and his life is in grave danger

Ramallah- 12/8/2015- Today, Addameer lawyer Samer Samaan visited hunger striking detainee, Mohammad Allan, who has been in an open hunger strike for 56 days at Barzilai hospital. Allan reported to Samaan that he is gradually losing vision which has prevented him from signing some papers, and that he is hearing loud noises causing him to lose the ability to sleep.

Allan added: “I will carry on with the open hunger strike and will continue to refuse medical examination until I gain my freedom. My chances of gaining freedom are equal to my chances of facing death. My passion and persistence of living a decent life is what is motivating me to fight for my freedom, because I will not –under any circumstances- surrender to the orders of the occupation officers.”

Allan expressed that he is feeling extreme weakness in his arms and legs. He loses balance immediately upon moving. He cannot go to the bathroom and he suffers from numbness in his hands and feet. He also suffers from pain throughout his body. Despite all of that he has stated that he intends to continue with the hunger strike and is confident of victory.

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association holds the occupation forces and the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) accountable for the life of Mohammad Allan and assures that he has the right to protest his arbitrary administrative detention which violates his right of fair trial that is guaranteed by the international humanitarian law and the international human rights law.

Addameer calls for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, to take immediate action in order to save the life of the hunger striking detainee, Mohammad Allan, and to end the campaign of attacks launched by the occupation authorities and practices against the Palestinian prisoners and detainees. Addameer demands the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations and to take all measures to protect the Palestinian prisoners and detainees, and to pressure the Occupying Power to end the policy of administrative detention and immediately release Mohammad Allan. Addameer also calls for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to practice its role of protecting the rights of the administrative detainee, Mohammad Allan, while he is undergoing the hunger strike.

Addameer considers Mohammad Allan’s fight against administrative detention policy a continuation of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement struggle against the policy of administrative detention that is practiced by the occupation forces against all Palestinians and violates article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.