G4S is a private security company that helps Israel run prisons at which Palestinian political prisoners are held without trial and tortured.

Addameer and organisations across the world are taking action calling on the UN to drop its $22m of contracts with G4S.

Take action nowaddameer.org/undropg4s

Since the start of October, Israel has arrested more than 1,800 Palestinians as a way to repress Palestinian popular resistance. Many of these prisoners are being held in prisons G4S is helping Israel to run.

G4S has also been criticised for its role in violent abuses taking place in the prisons and detention centres it runs in South Africa, the US and the UK, and in numerous deaths in custody.

We’re asking the UN to join the Bill Gates Foundation, the United Methodist Church, the Labour Party in the UK and the scores of businesses, universities, charities and unions across the world who have cut their ties with G4S over its role in human rights abuses.

We’ll be posting details of protests at UN offices and other updates here as we get them.  

Take action

  1. Use our e-action tool to send a message to the UN: addameer.org/undropg4s
  2. Join our Thunderclap action - a way of organising a Twitter storm: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/35183-un-drop-g4s 
  3. Tweet at the UN using some of the example Tweets below
  4. Follow the #UNdropG4S hashtag and help spread the word

Example Tweets

  • On #PalestineSolidarityDay, demand @UN end its contracts with occupation profiteer G4S: addameer.org/undropg4s #UNdropG4S
  • #UN cannot celebrate #PalestineDay as it holds contracts with G4S, profiting from Israel’s abuse of Palestinian prisoners: addameer.org/undropg4s
  • How can @UN promote peace while doing business with companies complicit in #humanrights abuses? addameer.org/undropg4s #UNdropG4S
  • Palestinians calling on @UN_Spokesperson to terminate #UN G4S contracts for complicity in abuse of political prisoners: addameer.org/undropg4s
  • Why are Palestinians demanding #UNdropG4S? addameer.org/undropg4s @UN
  • #UNdropG4S to promote peace & human rights: addameer.org/undropg4s #action2015 @UN


#UNdropG4S video: http://on.fb.me/1SWOTl0

Addameer fact sheet on G4S

Addameer, October 2015

Why does UN hire G4S, accomplice to Israeli torture?

Electronic Intifada, July 2015

Letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon

Signed by Addameer, Palestinian Human Rights Council, BDS National Committee and 200+ organisations

Electronic Intifada article about letter to Ban Ki Moon

Electronic Intifada, September 2015

G4S page on BDSmovement.net