Press Release - May 27, 2000
Palestinian Authority Security Apparatus are continuing their arrest campaign against Palestinian citizens with more than 30 Palestinians detained within the past week, many of whom have been released. However, Addameer Association has learned that at least 10 Palestinians remain in detention in Palestinian Authority prisons.
Of the ten detainees, the following information is known:
  • Sam Rantisi, Nasir Abu Al Rub, Firas Al Mararah and Salim Nimer were arrested on Saturday 20 May and Sunday 21 May respectively, by the Palestinian General Security services in Ramallah and remain in detention at the time of writing.
  • ‘Ahed Yousif, Khaled Farraj, Ahmad Sofan and Kamil Abu Hanish were arrested by the Palestinian Preventative Security Services in Ramallah early on the morning of Friday 26 May and remain in detention at the time of writing.
The arrest campaign follows large scale activities and demonstrations held during the past week in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli military prisons who are currently on hunger strike and against the killing of Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli military.
Addameer demands the immediate cessation of this arrest campaign and calls on the Palestinian Authority security apparatus to immediately inform detainees’ lawyers and human rights organizations of the whereabouts of the detainees and to ensure that their right to legal counsel and family visits are abided by.
Addameer also demands the immediate release of all the named detainees as their detention is arbitrary and without due legal process.
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