Prisoners in Nafha Prison suspend their hunger strike after reaching an agreement regarding some of their demands


Ramallah-11/8/2015- Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association lawyer, Farah Bayadsi, reported that the PFLP and Islamic Jihad prisoners in Nafha suspended their open hunger strike after reaching an agreement with the prison’s administration that complies with their demands, which include transferring 30 Islamic Jihad prisoners to Rimon prison and removing the family visits ban imposed on the PFLP secretary general, Mr. Ahmad Saadat.


30 Islamic Jihad prisoners launched an open hunger strike two days ago in protest of their transfer from Rimon to Nafha prison. Furthermore, 22 PFLP prisoners at Nafha started an open hunger strike on Tuesday morning following the renewal of the family-visit ban imposed on the PFLP secretary general, Mr. Ahmad Saadat, for three additional months.


Saadat informed Ms. Bayadsi that the suspension of the hunger strike came after the Israeli Prison Service, represented by the intelligence officer, agreed to transferring the Islamic Jihad prisoners (30 prisoners) back to Rimon prison and allowing the wife of Ahmad Saadat and one of his children to visit him on the 20th of August 2015, in addition to another visit that will be conducted in September where the ban would be removed completely throughout the upcoming few months. Saadat added that the intelligence officer guaranteed finding a solution to the attacks, degrading searches and intensive raids practiced by the “Yamaz” Unit against Palestinian prisoners and detainees, in addition to returning the sections to their original state before the recent raids.


A representative of Fatah prisoners at Nafha prison, Mr. Alaa Abu Jazar, told Ms. Bayadsi that the prisoners in section 10 agreed to end their hunger strike which lasted for six days after the prison’s administration agreed to transfer them back to section 10, where they were originally held. Abu Jazar added that four of the IPS special units raided section 10 accompanied by a number of police dogs on the 29th of July 2015 in order to search it. 120 prisoners were transferred to sections 4 and 1, which are reportedly empty and unsuitable for human life. 

The raid resulted in losses that amount to 100,000 NIS as the IPS special units forces destroyed the prisoners’ canteen purchases. They also attacked two prisoners during personal searches. Abu Jazar confirmed  that the raid was very violent and provocative without justification, and is a part of an ongoing policy that aims to humiliate the prisoners.   


Furthermore, during a visit to Rimon prison, prisoner Ahed Abu Ghulmeh confirmed to Ms. Bayadsi that the disobedience will continue in Rimon, the representatives of the prisoners and political parties were withdrawn. These steps were taken in coordination with prisoners in Nafha prison. The prisoners will go through various phases in order to have their demands met: the first is protest, closure of sections and return of meals; the second is complete disobedience without any contact with the prison administration; the third is an open hunger strike.  


Abu Ghulmeh added that the demands of the prisoners revolve around ending the collective punishments imposed on the prisoners, allowing Gaza prisoners family visits, ending the isolation, entering some basic necessities that were withdrawn from the prisoners, improving the living conditions and managing the medical file for the prisoners in Ramleh prison. Two weeks ago the IPS forces began a mass transfer campaign in Nafha and Rimon and imposed a group of punitive measures on the prisoners and detainees which caused the worsening of conditions in prisons, leading a number of prisoners to launch open hunger strikes.


Addameer confirms that the IPS sustains a policy regarding the Palestinian prisoners that coincides with the escalation of crimes committed by the occupation forces and settlers against Palestinian civilians. Addameer believes that the occupation authorities use impunity and lack of accountability to increase the attacks on civilians and prisoners. 


Addameer expresses its utmost solidarity and support of the Palestinian prisoners and detainees in order to have their rights guaranteed by international human rights law and the international humanitarian law met. Addameer believes that the will of the Palestinian prisoners and detainees will not be broken despite attempts imposed on them by the occupation forces.