29-year-old Ahmed Mohammed Hussein Abu Fara continues his open hunger strike for the 25th day  in protest of his administrative detention without charge or trial. Abu Fara’s health condition has been deteriorating, especially after his transfer to isolation.

According to a visit by Addameer attorney Samer Sama’an, Mr. Abu Fara is only consuming water and refuses to take salts, sugar or any food supplements.  He has also reported that he has been pressured by the Israeli intelligence to put an end to his hunger strike.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested Ahmed Abu Fara on 2 August 2016, after storming his house in the village of Surif in Hebron district. Mr. Abu Farah was initially taken to Etzion interrogation center and later was taken to Ofer prison. Mr. Abu Fara received his administrative detention order a few days after his arrest.

On 15 September 2016, Mr. Abu Fara declared an open hunger strike and as a result was placed under isolation in Ofer prison.

Harsh Detention Conditions:

Mr. Abu Fara is being subjected to harsh isolation conditions, in a cell that does not exceed four square meters. He pointed out that during the ten days of isolation in Ofer prison, the prison administration deliberately raided the cell, especially after midnight in order to pressure him to end his hunger strike.  

Later, Mr. Abu Fara was taken to isolation in Ramle prison, where he was put in very  narrow cell with the windows closed, despite the extremely hot weather.  

On 13 October 2016, Abu Fara was transfered to an isolation cell in Ramle Hospital, where is being constantly watched by the prison guards.

According to Addameer Documentation Unit, there are three other detainees going on hunger strike: Anas Shadid (22-year-old) from the village of Dura in Hebron, who has been on hunger strike since 15 September; Mohammed Hassan Abu Shamla (24-year-old) from Yabad in Jenin who has been on hunger strike since 5 October 2016; Hasan Ali Mohammad (31-year-old) from Methlon in Jenin who has been on hunger strike since 5 October 2016.

Addameer calls upon the international community to intervene to save the life of the hunger striking detainees and to call for an end to the policy of administrative detention. Currently, there are approximately 700 Palestinians held by Israeli authorities under administrative detention without charge or trial.