Ramallah, July 18th 2013 - On Wednesday 17 July 2013, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association’s lawyer (Jeanne-Aouda Zbeidat) succeeded in granting the release of Alaa Ju‘beh (19 years) from the Occupation’s prisons.
The Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) arrested Alaa’ on 7 December 2011 at age 17 at the Tel Rumeida check point in the city of Hebron. Alaa’ was accused of attempting to kill a soldier* at the checkpoint and sentenced to imprisonment for 27 months. She was granted release in a rare court deal that reduces the sentence by one-third. She served 19 months of her sentence.
It should be noted that such a deal is systematically refused in the military courts. One such case is that of detainee Salwa Hassan (51 years) who was arrested at the Atsyon military checkpoint on 19October 2011. Salwa was sentenced to 21 months in imprisonment and 2 years of probation, with a fine of 3000 ILS. Two weeks before the end of her sentence the court refused to grant her release, and she was not released until 13 June 2013 after she served her full sentence.
Addameer confirms that a total of 14 Palestinian females are currently detained in its jails under inhumane and degrading conditions including negligent medical treatment policies. Addameer calls for the urgent release of all prisoners. 
*Corrected: Our earlier statement stated that the charge was attempting to attack a soldier. In reality, Alaa attacked a soldier which was considered attempted murder by the military prosecution.