Today, world leaders meet in Cairo against the backdrop of a context of violence and repression by Israel against the Palestinian people that has not been seen in decades. With this letter we wish to address you about the dire, man-made humanitarian catastrophe that is currently plaguing more than two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
On 7 October 2023, Israel launched a large-scale retaliatory military offensive on Gaza aimed at reducing it into rubble. Since then, the Israeli military has indiscriminately targeted Gaza’s 2.3 million civilian population, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, mosques, churches, and medical facilities as part of total warfare on the population. Between 7 October and 20 October 2023 at 16:00 p.m., the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported the killing of at least 4,137 Palestinians and the injury of 13,000 in Gaza. Hundreds of deaths are still unaccounted for, as many Palestinians still lie under the rubbles.

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