Ramallah - Addameer: Today, Thursday 25/01/2024, the occupation authorities issued an arbitrary administrative detention order against the activist lawyer and human rights defender Diala Ayesh from the city of Al-Bireh for a period of four months, ending on May 16, 2024. Diala was arrested while passing through the military "Container" checkpoint that separates cities in the southern West Bank from the rest of the provinces. She was subjected to assault, threats, and insults by occupation soldiers during her arrest. The occupation army transferred Diala after her arrest to the "Hasharon" prison under difficult conditions, placing her in a cell of very poor conditions with an open window despite the cold weather. The next day, the occupation transferred her to the Damon prison.


Diala Ayesh is a human rights activist and lawyer working in the field of human rights advocacy. Her arrest is part of the widespread arrest campaign carried out by the occupation since the beginning of the aggression and genocide war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, affecting more than 6200 Palestinian men and women from cities and provinces in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.