Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association's campaign against military courts is titled "In the Case of the Palestinian People vs. Military Courts" focuses on the Israeli military judicial system's integral role in sustaining and feeding into the primary goal of establishing a comprehensive Israeli apartheid apparatus.

Lawyers, detainees and former detainees report a wide range of fair trial violations before Israeli military courts. The Israeli military authorities through the exercise of executive, legislative and judicial powers effectively enforce control over the Palestinian territory, suppress any form of Palestinian resistance against the occupation's policies, and dissuade the Palestinian people from their right to self-determination.

Now more than ever is the time for the international community to abide by its responsibilities under international law and uphold its legal and moral commitment to reclaim and foster the protection of Palestinian human rights within the larger framework of the right to self-determination. The international community must end its continuous silence and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for the various grave breaches of international human rights law and humanitarian law to maintain international peace and justice, for the sake of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian politicalprisoners, quest for liberty, justice, and dignity.