Occupied Ramallah – 15 April 2015

The occupation’s military prosecution submitted a charge sheet against PLC member Mrs. Khalida Jarrar in Ofer Military Court today, Wednesday 15 April 2015. The twelve charges against her revolve around her role as a PLC member and political leader and for her campaigning for prisoners.

The indictment was presented to Mrs. Jarrar’s defense team during a closed hearing regarding her six-month administrative detention order. Despite charges being presented, the judge determined to keep her under administrative detention to ensure that she will not be released from prison on bail.

Mrs. Jarrar will have a hearing on 29 April 2015 to determine if she will be remanded until the end of trial proceedings. If the court orders her to be remanded, the administrative detention order will be cancelled. If not, her administrative detention order will be considered on 6 May 2015 during a closed administrative detention confirmation hearing.

Addameer’ continues to emphasize the political and vindictive nature of Mrs. Jarrar’s arrest, which is a grave breach of her rights under international human rights and humanitarian law.

Diplomats, human rights organizations and international lawyers were in attendance of Mrs. Jarrar’s hearing today. Mrs. Jarrar is one of 13 Palestinian Legislative Council members currently in detention.