A petition hearing was held today at the Israeli High Court against the administrative detention of  Mohammad Abu Sakha, the 25-year-old Palestinian circus trainer and performer imprisoned without charge or trial since 14 December 2015. At the court hearing, Addameer’s attorney Mahmoud Hassan decided to withdraw the petition, reporting that that the high court, after reviewing the secret file, decided that Abu Sakha still poses a threat to the security of the state despite failure of the prosecution to provide any new material since his detention in December 2015.

It’s worth mentioning that the petition was submitted as a third review of the secret information on which Abu Sakha is being held under.

Abu Sakha’s case has drawn widespread international attention and support; his work with the Palestinian Circus School is well-known around the world and he has participated in multiple tours along with the children with whom he works. He has been part of the Circus School since 2007. The initial six-month administrative detention order was issued against Abu Sakha on 25 December 2015 and was set to end on 13 June 2016. However, it was further renewed an additional 6 months to end on 12 December 2016. Administrative detention is a procedure that allows the Israeli military to hold detainees indefinitely on secret evidence without charging them or allowing them to stand trial.