Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, a Palestinian organization dealing specifically with Palestinian political prisoners, had the pleasure of hosting the renowned human rights lawyer Gonzalo Boye in December 2013. Mr. Boye was in Palestine to provide training to a number of Palestinian lawyers on the concept of universal jurisdiction and how it relates to Palestinian political prisoners. The training took place over two days in Ramallah and incorporated both theoretical and practical aspects of universal jurisdiction. Mr. Boye has a wealth of experience dealing with universal jurisdiction and is well known for his attempt to use Spanish law to charge members of the administration of US president George Bush with war crimes for their role in the extrajudicial detention of Spanish nationals. During the training representatives of five leading Palestinian human rights organizations were represented, as well as representatives from the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees. Sincere thanks must go to the Basque city council, Ayuntamiento de Victoria -- Gasteiz, and 'Solidaridad Internacional' who kindly provided the support for the training.