The video provides a visual representation of torture techniques, some of which that have historically been used, and others that continue to be used. 

We dedicate it to the 72 Palestinians who have died under torture since the occupation began in 1967. 

Poem by Alice Walker 

Narrator: Daniel Gold

DoP: Ashraf Dowani 

AC: Fadi Issawi 

Gaffer: Nadim Husari 

PA: Yasmin Khass

Makeup Artist: Manar Azzeh 

Consultant: Amjad Ghannam 

Animation: Basel Nasr, Dia Azzeh, Salah Husain 

Music: "Night Sky" by Kyle Booth

Sound Design: Faris Shomali 

Director: Amer Shomali & Basel Nasr

ADDAMEER (Arabic for conscience) Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution which focuses on human rights issues. Established in 1992 by a group of activists interested in human rights, the center offers support to Palestinian prisoners, advocates the rights of political prisoners, and works to end torture through monitoring, legal procedures and solidarity campaigns.