8 April 2015 Occupied Ramallah The Ofer Military Court judge determined today (Wednesday, 8 April 2015) to postpone the confirmation hearing for PLC member Khalida Jarrar’s administrative detention order until Tuesday, 14 April 2015. According to Mrs. Jarrar’s legal counsel Adv. Mahmoud Hassan, the military prosecution presented the court with 34 pieces of “open evidence,” that had not been provided to the defense team prior to the confirmation hearing. For this reason, Mrs. Jarrar’s defense team requested six days to review the evidences and allegations against Mrs. Jarrar. It should be noted that only a portion of the file was released to the lawyers. Mrs. Jarrar is also detained under secret evidence that will never be revealed to the lawyers throughout the duration of her administrative detention. Despite the presented evidence that can potentially be substantial enough to formally indict Mrs. Jarrar, the military prosecution did not charge her, and verbally stated that they do not intend to do so in order to guarantee she remain in detention. Thus far, the evidences presented against Mrs. Jarrar revolve around her activities as a political leader, including videos of her attending demonstrations. An indictment on such minor charges can potentially allow for her release on bail until the end of legal proceedings. Addameer confirms that this is a politically motivated arrest which contravenes international law, specifically the Geneva Convention IV, and her rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Khalida Jarrar (52 years old) was arrested Thursday, 02 April 2015 from her home in Ramallah at 1:30AM. The Military Commander issued a 6-month administrative detention order on Sunday, 05 April 2015. Mrs. Jarrar is one of 14 Palestinian Legislative Council members that is currently imprisoned, of which eight are held under administrative detention orders without charge or trial based on secret evidences. Addameer calls on all local diplomatic missions, representative offices, international organizations and human rights organizations to publicly denounce the detention of Palestinian elected officials. Addameer requests the presence of the above as observers of Mrs. Jarrar’s court hearing on Tuesday, 14 April 2015.