Khader Adnan in a life threatening condition, reaching 50 days of hunger strike and still going

“No vitamins, minerals or medical examinations until I am free”

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and Physicians for Human Rights –Israel (PHR-Israel) calls for Khader Adnan’s immediate release

24 June 2015

Administrative detainee Khader Adnan has reached 50 days of hunger strike, and resolves to continue his protest until he is freed. Adnan reported to Adv. Samer Simaan, a lawyer for Addameer and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel), during his visit to him yesterday 23 June 15, that he will continue his open hunger strike while refusing vitamins, minerals and medical examinations until he is released. Adnan was among thousands of Palestinians who were arrested as a form of collective punishment during the war on Gaza in 2014. He was arrested on 08 July 2014 and has been held under administrative detention without charge or trial ever since. There are 414 Palestinians currently in administrative detention, all are held under secret evidence.

Adnan’s health has continuously deteriorated since he started his hunger strike on 06 May 2015. He told Adv. Simaan during his visit in Assaf Harove hospital yesterday that he constantly vomits and has serious difficulties drinking and swallowing water, which endangers him further.

According to the World Medical Association after 42 days of a hunger strike that is only dependent on water, it is expected that the hunger striker suffer from: loss of hearing, blindness and diverse forms of hemorrhage including gingival, gastro-intestinal and esophogeal. The body also shuts down progressively, causing extreme bradycardia, Cheyne-Stokes respiration and diminished metabolic activity. Eventually, death can occur from cardiovascular collapse and/or severe arrhythmias.

Adnan is being held in hospitalization while shackled to his bed at all times, which constitutes a violation of medical ethics, and is also constantly under surveillance by guards and life-monitoring cameras. He is also denied visits and all contact with his family.Yesterday PHR-Israel addressed a demand to the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to remove his restraints without delay. It was argued, among other things, that, in light of his medical condition, “his ability to constitute any kind of 'danger’ to anyone is negligible. We see fit to point out the health damage and humiliation that might be caused to an individual who is in such a bad and sensitive state, from being cuffed to bed during most hours of the day”. A court appeal will be considered by both organizations if the shackles are not removed during the upcoming days.

Adnan has been under constant political persecution by the Israeli authorities. He has been arrested nine times, and has spent over six years in prison, mainly in administrative detention. For this reason, he has undergone several hunger strikes, his most recent in December 2011, during which he went on an open hunger strike that lasted 66 days, and reached the brink of death before coming to an agreement with the Israeli authorities for his release.

Addameer and PHR-Israel continue to stress that the policy of administrative detention defies the provisions of Geneva Convention IV, and on a larger scale is part of a system of torture and ill-treatment of Palestinians. The Occupation’s use of administrative detention, and the punishment of those who undergo hunger strike can be considered a war crime and a crime against humanity.[1]

Addameer and PHR-Israel holds the Israeli authorities as the Occupying Power and the Israeli Prison Service fully responsible for the life of hunger striking administrative detainee Khader Adnan.

Addameer and PHR-Israel also holds the international community responsible for ensuring that the occupying power respects international law in regards to Palestinian civilians who are detained under administrative detention orders. These detention policies are used to interfere in the political autonomy and self determination of Palestinians, and to weaken Palestinian society.

Addameer and PHR-Israel call on the high contracting parties of the Geneva Convention IV to convene an urgent meeting to consider the continuous and systematic human rights violations of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, especially in regards to the policy of administrative detention. Addameer and PHR reiterate their call to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon to intervene immediately to save the life of Khader Adnan.

[1] http://www.addameer.org/files/Reports/administrative-detention-analysis…