Press Release - January 6, 2009
International TV journalist, Khader Shahin was arrested in Jerusalem Tuesday, allegedly for infringing new legal measures to restrict reporting of Israel’s latest onslaught on Gaza.  Shahin is a 33 year old Palestinian living in Jerusalem, working as a correspondent for Al Alam TV. He is now being investigated for spreading “state secrets.”
On Monday, the 5th of January 2009, Khader states that he had been receiving anonymous phone calls from different numbers claiming that he was ‘wanted’.  Later that evening a reporter from the Israeli TV Channel 2 also reported that there was a warrant out for Khader’s arrest.  Until that time Khader had heard no confirmation from the Israeli police stating that he was ‘wanted’.   Khader immediately contacted his lawyer, Mohammad Dahli who in turn contacted the Israeli police.  He was informed that Khader must immediately present himself to the police.
On Tuesday, Khader was taken to the police unit of the international interrogation section of Petah Tikvah detention center where he is still being detained. In addition to Khader, the Israeli authorities have arrested the producer of Al Alam TV, Mohammad Sarhan.  Mohammad is a 27 year old Jerusalemite who is currently studying law in Ramat Gan College.  The TV crew’s cameraman, Ahmad Jalajal was released yesterday at midnight. Khader and Mohammad are due to appear before the court today in order that their detention is extended.  They have been accused of reporting on Israel’s ground assault before the Israeli military spokesman had released the news.  As a result, Mohammad and Khader have both been charged with ‘breaching the media code of ethics’.
Addameer demands the immediate release of Khader and Mohammad. In relation to this we wish to express our concern that Israel’s attempt to close
Gaza to the international media and human rights monitors indicates that its army is seeking to operate without oversight or accountability. According to
Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has “the right to freedom of opinion and expression” and also the right to “seek, receive and impart” information and ideas “regardless of frontiers.” This has been re-affirmed by several charters and declarations around the world most notably Article 79 of the first Additional Protocol of 1977 which states that journalists are entitled to the same protection as civilians and may not be deliberately targeted.  Addameer thus urges the local and international community to demand that Israel abide by international law and release Khaled and
Mohammad immediately.
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