The United Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued a statement regarding the arbitrary arrest and torture of one of the Hares boys. The five boys from Hares are charged with 20 counts of attempted murder each, apparently 1 count for every alleged stone thrown at passing cars, where a car of an Israeli settler into the back of a truck. The driver and her 3 daughters were injured, one of them was seriously injured, but later she succumbed to her wounds.The Israeli military prosecution insists that the boys consciously “intended to kill”; as a result, the boys faced the maximum punishment for attempted murder: 20 years to life imprisonment.

In the statement, the UN Working Group argues that Israel violated international law numerous times and recommends that the Israeli government provide the Boy with "full reparations, starting with his immediate release". The UN Working Groups' opinions are not legally binding, however, their opinion on the case is very important. Full text of the opinion can be found here