On Thursday, 22 December 2016, at dawn, approximately 50-60 soldiers of Israeli forces raided the homes of former prisoners Ja’afar Izzeddein, Tareq Qadan, Mona Qadan, and destroyed property (including the building door and furniture) and threatened them with arrests. Money and electronic objects were also confiscated.

Mona Qadan was released from prison on 10 March 2016, after spending three and a half years in prison. Prior to that arrest, she was arrested numerous times, and was previously released under the Wafa Al-Ahrar prisoner exchange deal in 2011. Tareq Qadan was released on 12 August 2015, after spending one year and a half under administrative detention without charge or trial. In 2012, he embarked on a hunger strike in protest of his administrative detention. Ja’afar Izzedein was released on 11 February 2016 after spending 20 months under administrative detention without charge or trial. He also embarked on hunger strikes in protest of his administrative detention in 2011 and 2012.