The Israeli Occupying State denying Palestinians all their Rights including Right to Health 


On October 11th, 2019 heavily armed Israeli occupying forces stormed the headquarters of the General Directorate of Health Work Committees in Al-Bireh at 5:00 am. Israeli occupying forces smashed the doors and locks of office, damaged desks, threw files on the ground, leaving their marks all around the office. 

Israeli occupying power has a long history in hindering the work of CSOs including medical care to Palestinians by blocking ambulances at checkpoints, harassing medics, violating patient privacy, and restricting medical patients to receive necessary medical treatment. Most recently Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem was raided by armed Israeli occupying forces and search dogs terrorizing cancer patients. The violations committed against hospitals and HWC not only violate international law but also constitute war crimes. 

• PNGO calls upon Third States of the international community, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) to immediately intervene to protect health workers and health operational space. 

• PNGO calls upon the Humanitarian Country Team to issue a urgent joint statement condemning Israeli armed forces continues violations against Palestinian CSOs which hinder the ability to provide adequate humanitarian services to vulnerable Palestinian populations.