Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association carried out a speaking tour in several states in the US. The tour started on 16 October 2019 and lasted for about two weeks, including New York, Chicago, and the Bay Area. The tour's main goal was raising awareness regarding the general conditions of Palestinian political prisoners and the several violations they suffer from such as torture and arbitrary detention. Besides, the tour aimed at strengthening the relationship Addameer has and creating new ones with organizations and groups in the United States. 
The tour was organized by Addameer with collaboration with several communities and student bodies in the United States. The tour which was titled "Free Political Prisoners: from Palestine to the United States" ended with conducting several public events, meetings, and interviews. Those activities shed light on the ongoing targeting of Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations including the last Israeli forces raid on Addameer's office. It also highlighted the violations Palestinian prisoners suffered from this year from arbitrary detention to torture, medical negligence, and other detention conditions.