Occupied Ramallah, 11 April 2013 – Addameer Prisoner Support and Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is pleased to announce the launch of its new website for its upcoming ‘Stop Administrative Detention’ campaign.
The new website will include all of Addameer’s campaign materials in a number of different languages. Campaign materials will include the following:
Videos: Campaign promotional video and a number of other videos with ex-administrative detainees.
Factsheets: General administrative detention factsheet and a G4S factsheet, highlighting the complicity of G4S in Israel’s occupation, specifically in Israel’s prison system.
Reports: ‘Administrative detention at a global level’ and a ‘Legal analysis of administrative detention’.
Prisoner Profiles: A number of profiles of current administrative detainees will also be included
Petition: An easy to use online petition calling for an end to administrative detention.
Languages will include Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Greek, and Portuguese, amongst others.
We need global support to break their chains and the silence on administrative detention. That is why we call on you to join Addameer in launching a global campaign against administrative detention by participating in a week-long series of events from 17-24 April 2013, with a mass day of mobilization on 17 April, the annual Palestinian Prisoners Day.
You can help us pressure the Israeli government to release the prisoners by:
  • Participating in a mass day of mobilization in your city on 17 April, the annual Palestinian Prisoners Day.
  • Organizing an “End Administrative Detention” week on 17-24 April 2013 in your city or university campus using Addameer’s campaign materials.
  • Joining a local G4S BDS campaign in your city.
  • Raising awareness about administrative detention in your community.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or visit our main website www.addameer.org for further information