Addameer’s lawyer Muna Nadaf, today on 20 July 2020 visited the two female prisoners, Fadwa Hamadeh and Jihan Hashimeh who are placed in isolation since early June and have been there since around 42 days without any legal justification. The two female prisoners informed the lawyer of their difficult detention conditions, the cell they are kept at does not have the minimum needs for a human being, it also has no TV, radio, cooking area and even the shower is broken.

Furthermore, the female prisoners were not informed of the reasons behind their isolation until now. In fact, four days ago an office came to them and informed them that they will remain in isolation for another 14 days without informing them the reasons behind their isolation.

The two female prisoners were initially sent to isolation for 21 days; however, they are still in isolation despite the lack of any legal justification. They are also banned any visits and communications with their families since several months now, this ban started due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and now because of their isolation.

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association pursued a legal justification behind their isolation and demanded to end their illegal isolation, however, no responses have been given.