26 August 2013, Ramallah – Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association mourns the death of three martyrs (Younis Jahjouh, Jihad Asslan and Robin Zayyid ) who were murdered early this morning in Qalandiya Refugee Camp during a violent IOF raid that injured dozens, putting some in critical condition. One of the martyrs was an ex-prisoner who was released in the prisoner exchange in 2011. Yousef Al-Khatib was also arrested during the raid.

The attack on Qalandiya Refugee Camp today highlights the continued aggressive policies of the Israeli occupation despite the false façade of a “peaceful solution” through the latest round of negotiations.  Since the beginning of the Oslo Process in 1993 thousands have been martyred and approximately 86,000 arrested.

Meanwhile, seven Palestinian prisoners remain on long-term hunger strikes as they continue to fight for their freedom and dignity. Addameer lawyer Samer Sama’an was yesterday granted access to three of the hunger strikers and reported their health continues to deteriorate and their continued inhumane treatment at the hands of the Israeli Prison Service (IPS).
Ayman Tbeish and Adel Hreibat who have both been on hunger strike for 96 days are currently being held at Kaplan Medical Center. Both prisoners are refusing medical tests and vitamins at the hospital due to their inhumane treatment.
They are shackled to their beds by a hand and a leg at all time, and are only allowed to use the shower and bathroom once a day, where they remain shackled by their legs. Furthermore, they are forced to urinate in cardboard boxes from 8am to 8pm as they are not allowed to use the restrooms during these times. They are now too weak to move, and are wheelchair-bound. Adel is suffering from an “enlarged heart” due to the disruption in its function, and his heart can stop at any moment. He has also been told by doctors that his liver is close failure.  Ayman’s heart is also weakened and his potassium levels are dangerously low.
Ayman Hamdan, who has been on hunger strike for 121 days, had his administrative detention renewed for a third time on 20 August 2013. Upon learning this, he boycotted all vitamins and supplements for four days until the IPS  threatened him with force-feeding if he did not comply with the hospital doctors. Ayman is also shackled to the bed by his hand and leg in Assaf Harove Hospital, and is only allowed to shower once every two to three days. His health continues to deteriorate rapidly as he has lost weight, has potassium and iron deficiencies, a hand and foot infection and numbness all over his body.
Within the framework of the mass arrests of human rights defenders who support the prisoners, today Ofer Military Court sentenced human rights defender and Addameer researcher Ayman Nasser to 13 months and a 4,000 shekel fine on the charges of participating in demonstrations and marches that support the prisoners’ movement. Addameer considers the decision of the military court as further evidence that the role of the military court system is to attempt to break the will of the Palestinian people and their steadfastness on their land as they continue to fight against oppression and colonization.
Addameer calls on the Palestinian Liberation Organization to stop all forms of negotiation and security coordination with Israeli Occupation Forces immediately, and not to resume negotiations without a cessation of settlement activity and a change in policy towards arbitrary arrest, detention and violence towards the Palestinians.