Ramallah, 25 August 2011—Ayed Dudeen, a father of six from Hebron who in June was released from over three and a half years in the Israeli prisons without charge or trial, has today had another administrative detention order against him approved. After being re-arrested on 9 August, only two months after his release, Ayed Dudeen was given an administrative detention order by the Israeli Security Agency which was today confirmed at Ofer Military Court. He will remain in detention without charge or trial for 6 months. As with all other administrative detainees, Ayed’s file remains secret, available to the military judge but not to Ayed or his lawyer. This practice violates international human rights law, which permits some limited use of administrative detention in emergency situations, but requires that the authorities follow basic rules for detention, including a fair hearing at which the detainee can challenge the reasons for his or her detention. These minimum rules of due process have been repeatedly violated in Ayed’s case, leaving him without any legitimate means to defend himself. Given Israel’s highly arbitrary use of this form of detention, it is likely that Ayed’s administrative detention order will be renewed at the end of the 6 months.

The continuous abuse of Ayed’s basic human rights at the hands of the Israeli authorities demands urgent attention. For this reason, Addameer is once again highlighting his case as part of its Prisoners at Risk Campaign, to expose the injustice of Israel’s targeted campaign to keep Ayed in prison without charge or trial, in violation of basic fair trial standards.
Take action today on behalf of the Prisoners at Risk by joining our campaign and calling for Ayed’s immediate release.
  • Use our template letter to the Israeli authorities to call for Ayed’s immediate and unconditional release;
  • Write to your own government and representatives to call on them to pressure Israel to release Ayed (if you are a EU citizen, you can use our template letter to members of the European Parliament);
  • Organize a vigil or a demonstration to call for Ayed’s release;
  • Write to Ayed in prison (postal address: Ketziot Prison, P.O. Box 13, 841020, Israel);
  • Show your support by following Ayed on Facebook.