Ramallah, 9 August—Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association today received news that Ayed Dudeen, who in June was released after spending nearly 4 years in prison without charge or trial, has been re-arrested. Ayed was the first case in Addameer’s recently launched Prisoners at Risk Campaign, and his re-arrest confirms that the Israeli authorities have no intention of letting him enjoy his newfound freedom after nearly 19 years in and out of prison.

At approximately 2 a.m. on Tuesday 9 August, 50 Israeli soldiers raided Ayed Dudeen’s home in Dura village near Hebron and ordered the entire family out of the house while they searched and ransacked it. The soldiers broke down the door of the family’s pantry in the process, and confiscated one laptop and two phones. Neither Ayed nor his family has been informed of the reasons for his arrest, and at this stage it is not known where Ayed is being held.
As a result of these worrying recent events, Addameer is re-activating the campaign to call for the release of Ayed Dudeen as part of its Prisoners at Risk Campaign. You can learn more about the long periods of time Ayed has spent in prison by reading his profile, and show your support by following his case on Facebook. Addameer will provide further information about his arrest and ways to take action in the coming days.