On 2/7/2017, at approximately 4:00 am, Israeli occupation forces surrounded the house of Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) member Khalida Jarrar in the Al-Ersal neighborhood in Ramallah. The soldiers raided Jarrar’s home, where she lives with her husband Ghassan and her daughter Suha, after destroying the main door. They searched the house and confiscated an iPad, a hard disk, and her mobile phone.

Later, Jarrar was taken to a detention center in Ofer prison for interrogation. She was only interrogated for 30 minutes before being placed in a small prison cell with no windows for four hours. By 4:00 pm on the same day, Jarrar was transferred to HaSharon prison, one of the two prisons where dozens of Palestinian women are held.

Jarar was to be released on 1 January 2018 after receiving six months administrative detention order, her order was renewed on 27 December 2017 for an additional six-month period. Again, before she finished her second administrative detention order Khalida got renewed for another four months of administrative detention. On 25 October 2018, a renewal of Khalida's administrative detention order was issed, this fourth renewal is for another four months ending on 28 February 2019.