Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association condemns the demolition of prisoner Amjad Oleiwi’s home by Israeli occupation forces on 11 October 2016. The policy of home demolitions constitutes collective punishment imposed by the occupation upon families of prisoners, contrary to international conventions. Occupation forces raided the home of Amjad Oleiwi in Khalet Al Eman neighborhood in Nablus, before they began to demolish the walls with heavy equipment.

The Israeli High Court rejected a petition submitted by the prisoner’s family to halt the demolition of their house.

Mr. Oleiwi is currently serving two life sentences and 30 years imprisonment, after the occupation authorities held him responsible for his alleged role in establishing a military cell associated with the shooting attack near "Itamar" settlement, east of Nablus last year.

Addameer confirms that the policy of house demolitions contravenes international law, which prohibits collective punishment under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 50 of the Hague Regulations. 

House demolition is an administrative procedure carried out by military orders signed by the Israeli military commander in the West Bank, based on Article 119 of the Emergency Regulations of 1945.