Press Release - May 27, 2000
Human rights activist and employee of Addameer Association, ‘Ahed Yusif, was arrested by the Palestinian Preventative Security in Ramallah on the morning of Friday 26Th May, 2000.
The arrest was carried out at 3:00 AM without an official warrant or explanation. Yusif’s house was searched and his family harassed during the arrest.
Addameer Association attempted to visit ‘Ahed and was told by the head of Preventative Security in Ramallah and Al-Bireh that the detainee was moved to Al-Thahrieh prison in Hebron. However the director of Al-Thahrieh prison denied that ‘Ahed was in his custody.
Addameer expresses its grave concern for the well-being of ‘Ahed Yusif as his whereabouts and condition are unknown. Addameer calls on the Palestinian Preventative Security to immediately inform his lawyer where he is being detained and to ensure that his right to legal counsel and family visits are abided by. Addameer demands the immediate release of ‘Ahed Yusif as his detention is arbitrary and without due legal process.
Statement from wife of detainee held at the Palestinian Preventive Security Services -’Ahed Yousif
Armed men from the Palestinian Preventive Security forces arrested my husband, ‘Ahed Yousif’, from our home after midnight on Thursday/Friday without presenting a warrant for his arrest. He is still in detention in an unknown location. Neither me nor any of ‘Ahed’s relatives is allowed to visit him.
The arrest was accompanied by a meticulous search of everything in our house by members of the Preventive Security Forces, without presenting any legal search warrant.
My son Qais and I and all of ‘Ahed’s relatives demand immediate intervention to determine the whereabouts of ‘Ahed in order to be able to visit him and to discover if there are any legal reasons for his arrest, or to release him immediately if there are no charges. ‘Ahed is a human rights activist at Addameer Association.
While I call on you to take on your national, legal and humanitarian responsibilities to protect my husband as a citizen first, and secondly as an activist for the freedom of his people, I also hold the Preventive Security Forces and the Palestinian Authority responsible for any harm that may come to my husband.
Wafa Yousif
Wife of Detainee ‘Ahed Yousif
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