Israeli Occupation Forces raided the house of ex-prisoner Moayad Makhlouf in Ramallah unleashing an army dog which attacked Moayad and bit his left hand, causing severe injuries. Moayad was immediately taken to Palestinian Medical Complex In Ramallah.

The ex-prisoner reported to Addameer that more than 15 soldiers raided the house on Tuesday at dawn. The soldiers were accompanied by army dogs. One of the dogs attacked him, biting his left hand for more than five minutes. He kept shouting, asking the soldiers to take the dog off him but they refused to intervene. The occupation forces arrested Moayyad’s younger brother Mo’men Makhlouf (22 years old) and took him to an unknown destination.

It should be mentioned that Moayyad Makhlouf was arrested in 2005. He received a 9-year sentence and was released in 2014. He was re-arrested on 8/11/2015 and was subjected to a an extremely tough interrogation that lasted for 14 days before being released.