The former prisoner and current hunger striking detainee Bilal Diab, who was arrested in a pre-dawn raid by Israeli occupation forces on 14 July 2017, received a six months administrative detention order, signed by the occupation military commander of the West Bank today, 25 July 2017. Diab, 32, launched an open hunger strike to demand his freedom on the same day he was seized by occupation forces. 

Diab has been previously arrested on multiple occasions and spent several years under administrative detention, without charge or trial. He was last released from Israeli prisons in 2015. In 2012, he embarked on a 77-day hunger strike alongside Thaer Halahleh in protest of their administrative detention. 

Addameer calls for the immediate release of hunger striking detainees Bilal Diab, who has entered his 12th day of hunger strike.