After two days of interrogation, occupation forces release lawyer Mohammad Alayan, who was arrested on 27 June 2016. Mr. Alayan is the father of extrajudicially executed Palestinian Baha'a Alayan, a 22-year-old Palestinian from Jabal Al-Mukabber in Jerusalem that was killed by Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem on 13 October 2015.

The terms of his release include: 5 days under house arrest, a 15-day ban from entering Al Aqsa Mosque, and a financial penalty. A hearing was held yesterday at the Magistrate Court in Jerusalem, during which the judge decided to extend the interrogation for an additional day.

Addameer condemns the detention of Mr. Alayan and believes that he is being persecuted due to the work he has been doing regarding the return of the bodies of extrajudicially executed Palestinians, including the body of his son Baha’a.