The military commander issues a 6 month administrative detention order against PLC member Khalida Jarrar Occupied Ramallah – 05/04/2015 – The military commander of the occupation forces issued a 6-month administrative detention order against PLC member and vice chairperson of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association Khalida Jarrar today. The director of the legal unit at Addameer Mahmoud Hassan reported that the order confirmation hearing session of Khalida’s order will be held on Wednesday 08/04/2015 at Ofer Military Court near Ramallah. Addameer condemns the arrest of PLC member Khalida Jarrar and considers it a part of the systemic targeting of the Palestinian political figures in order to criminalize their work and to silence them, and stop them from practicing their roles in defending and supporting the Palestinian cause. PLC member Khalida is responsible for prisoner’s issues at the Palestinian Legislative Council. She is also a member of the National Palestinian Committee for the follow-up of the International Criminal Court. Addameer demands the international community take a stand against the arbitrary policy of administrative detention and to release all of the Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s prisons. Addameer considers administrative detention as practiced by the occupying power an arbitrary and illegal policy, and it can be considered a war crime, as article 8(2) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that “willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial” may be considered a grave breach. Lawyer Mahmoud Hassan reported after visiting Khalida in HaSharon prison that she is in good health conditions and is taking her medicine regularly. However, she is in constant need of medical supervision. She is being held in the section of Palestinian political prisoners of HaSharon prison. Dozens of soldiers surrounded Khalida Jarrar’s home at approximately 1.00 AM on 02/04/2015. They then raided the home, searched it, confiscated two laptops and a mobile phone. After the arrest, Jarrar was taken to Beit El settlement and then to a military base near Jaba’ in west Jerusalem. At approximately 7.30 AM, she was taken to Ofer near Ramallah, where she was interrogated for more than four hours, and then she was transferred to HaSharon prison. According to the statistics of the Documentation Unit at Addameer, there are currently 23 Palestinian female political prisoners held in Israeli prisons and 15 PLC members in total, eight of which are held under administrative detention orders.