Israeli forces arrested 35 Palestinians from Jerusalem during a mass arrest campaign following the shooting attack that was carried out by Misbah Abu Sbeih in Jerusalem on 09 October 2016. The arrest campaign targeted more than 20 Palestinians, most of whom were Abu Sbeih’s family members. The occupation forces accused them of obstructing the police work.

Among the detainees was the director of Prisoners’ Club in Jerusalem Nasser Qaws (45-year-old), who is still under interrogation.

On 10 October 2016, the occupation forces continued the arrest campaign targeting 11 more Palestinians, including Iman Abu Sbeih (17-year-old), who is the martyr’s daughter. Addtionally, occupation forces arrested six young Palestinians, including a child,  from Al-Issawya village in Jerusalem, and two others from the old city of Jerusalem as well as two from Mount of Olive. In the same context, Israeli forces summoned dozens of Jerusalemites for interrogation.