Press Release - June 01, 2000
To all supporters of the issue of Palestinian Prisoners in the Israeli prisons:
We, the families of Palestinian and Arab prisoners, mothers, wives, and children, as well as institutions, organizations, national and Islamic bodies in the solidarity tents in support of Palestinian prisoners would like to express our deep gratitude to you for your much-appreciated letters of solidarity with us through the international solidarity campaign for Palestinian and Arab prisoners. Your strong support of our position in this campaign is highly appreciated and we hope that our campaign will result in the release of all prisoners.
At 4pm on Wednesday 31 May 2000, the prisoners ended their hunger strike after their demands were met by the Israeli prison administration. Following the intensive discussion that the Leadership of the Islamic Prisoners Movement held in meetings at Hadarim Prison, the leadership decided to end the prisoners’ hunger strike that afternoon. The leadership committee includes Sheikh Mohammed Abu-Teir, Zaher Jabarin, Yahya As-Sinwar, Tawfiq Abu- Na’im, Rawhi Mushtaha, Salih Al- Arouri, Abdul- Hakim Hanini, and Mousa Doudin. The following demands were met:
  1. The return of all prisoners in isolation to their regular cells as of tomorrow, Thursday 1 June 2000, without exceptions.
  2. Resolving the issue of prisoners prevented from receiving visits from parents, wives, children, brothers, and sisters. Their visits should be permitted even if the family member visiting is restricted for security reasons, with a minimum one-day travel permit issued for that person. Concerning remaining relatives, any individual who has a travel permit, regardless of the number of visitors that the prison administration allows, should be allowed to visit. In addition, children under the age of 12 will be allowed to visit with their detained parent.
  3. Use of telephones in cases of death and celebrations is allowed. The prison director is the individual responsible for giving permission, without need for permission from a higher authority. This is a first step in increasing the allowed time for using telephones.
  4. Studying for university while in detention is dependent on finding a particular mechanism for checking papers that come into the prison.
  5. Cafeteria items and items that family members bring during visits will not be prevented if they have nothing to do with security, the details of which will be discussed in the future.
  6. The meeting included Youkhal, deputy to the head of the Israeli General Security Services, and was witnessed by Qadoura Fares and Hisham Abdul-Razeq.
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