Several organizations which focus on the rights of Palestinian detainees (Committee of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, Palestinian Prisoners Club, Addameer Association, al-Mezan) have documented the numbers of Palestinian detainees throughout the year 2017. The results were the following: the Israeli occupation forces have detained a total of 6742 Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Among them were around 2000 child detainees over half of them from East Jerusalem, 156 women, 14 PLC members and 25 journalists.

Until the end of the year 2017, there was around 6300 Palestinian detainee in Israeli detention centers. This number included around 350 children, 58 women (including 9 minor females) 450 administrative detainees, 10 PLC members, and 22 journalists.

Those different organizations have assured through its monitoring that the highest numbers of arrests happened during December 2017. Israeli occupation forces have detained 926 Palestinian only during this month, around half of those detainees were from East Jerusalem. In fact, the Israeli occupation forces implemented a harsh arrest and harassment campaign against Palestinian after Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem. Israeli occupation forces faced Palestinian protesting the declaration with an intense collective punishment policy.

Furthermore, East Jerusalem was the area with the highest amount of arrests during the year 2017.  Actually, around 2436 Jerusalemites were imprisoned during this year, and child detainees amounted to one third out of the total number. Most of those Palestinian detainees are in face ex-detainees which experienced arrest, detention, conditional release, or house arrest.