PLC member Khalida Jarrar’s hearing postponed indefinitely

Occupied Ramallah - 29 April 2015

The Occupation’s Ofer Military Court determined to hold a last-minute hearing for PLC member Khalida Jarrar today 29 April 2015. Upon her arrival, the hearing was postponed until further notice for the second time.

Adv. Mahmoud Hassan was surprised by military judge Roni Amer’s decision to hold Mrs. Jarrar’s hearing today despite having delayed it earlier this week. The defense team has continuously requested the additional evidence and material for Jarrar’s file from the prosecution, which was only provided today.

Addameer’s position is that the practices of the military court and prosecution confirm the vindictive and political nature of Mrs. Jarrar’s arrest. The prosecution is attempting to exhaust all legal procedures within its power to keep Mrs. Jarrar in detention, including holding her under administrative detention. She is scheduled to also have an administrative detention confirmation hearing on 6 May 2015.

The military judge Roni Amer’s sudden decision to hold the hearing today despite an agreement to reschedule it is an attempt to obstruct the efforts of human rights activists and institutions that support and stand in solidarity with Jarrar. It also highlights the state of chaos in the occupation’s military regime, thus depriving a detainee of the fair trial guarantees or forming an effective defense.

Mrs. Khalida Jarrar (52 years old) was arrested on Thursday, 2 April 2015 from her home in Ramallah and received a 6-month administrative detention order on Sunday, 5 April 2015 which was issued by the military commander of the occupation forces. A list of charges was also issued against Jarrar on 15 April 2015.