Ramallah, 11 September 2013 - Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association condemns the renewal of the travel ban order for Addameer’sChairperson Abdullatif Ghaith. This is the fifth renewal of Ghaith’s travel ban, who has been denied entry into the West Bank since 9 October 2011.
This latest renewal, which expires on 15 March 2014, states that the renewal is necessary to keep order and security in the West Bank, and further states that any entry permits to the West Bank issued for Ghaith will be cancelled.
Ghaith, 71 years old, is a public figure from Jerusalem and a long-time human rights defender. He was one of Addameer’s founders in 1992, and currently serves as Chairman of the Board. He has been arrested several times by the Occupation, and most recently was under administrative detention from 2004 to 2005.
Addameer condemns the ban imposed on Ghaith’s as it is a clear violation of his right to freedom of movement, as well as a violation of the Declaration on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders adopted by the World Assembly of the United Nations in 1998.
Ghaith’s travel ban is further evidence of the Occupation’s continued attacks on Palestinian civil society, specifically those who work for prisoners rights and advocacy. In the last year, Addameer has been under increasing pressure by the Occupation. Ayman Nasser, a field researcher, was arrested in October 2012, and remains detained to this day on charges of inciting support and attending demonstrations for Palestinian prisoners. In December 2012, Addameer’s office in Ramallah was raided by the Occupation Forces, who confiscated computers, cameras and files that have not been recovered. Addameer confirms that the Occupation’s practices and policies will not affect its determination to support and defend the prisoners despite the consequences and pressure.    
Addameer demands that international organizations that work towards human rights, especially the United Nations and its Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon to emphasize the universality of human rights and immediately intervene to remove the imposed ban on Abdullatif Ghaith.