Press Release - August 05, 2003
On the morning of 4 August 2003, the Israeli Prisons’ Services published on their website a list of names of Palestinian prisoners and detainees expected to be released on Wednesday 6 August 2003. Of the 342 Palestinian prisoners slated for release, 159 are administrative detainees and 183 have been sentenced. Upon close examination of the published list, Addameer has observed the following:
- All administrative detainees included on the list are due to complete their detention orders within a very short period of time, including one detainee whose detention order expires today. Administrative detention is a form of arbitrary detention, whereby detainees are held without charge or trial. All administrative detainees should be immediately released.
- 52 prisoners will have served their sentences in 2004.
- 3 prisoners will have served their entire detention period in 2005.
- 2 of the listed prisoners have almost completed serving sentences of 15 years each: Hussein Sulieman Abueid - due to be released on 8 November 2005; and Hammad Hashim Smeiri - due to be released on 17 July 2004. Both detainees are from the Gaza Strip and are charged with membership in Islamic Jihad.
- The sentences being served by prisoners on the list are based on charges including stone throwing, possession of weapons and using weapons in situations where no one was injured. This corresponds to previously published statements of Israeli criteria for prisoner releases.
The breakdown of those listed for release according to political affiliation is as follows:
52 - Hamas or Islamic Bloc (student movement)
15 - Islamic Jihad
4 - Fatah
3 - Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
1 - Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
1 - Force 17 (PA security service-Presidential Guard)
1 - Popular Resistance Committees
7 - assistance to a group without specifying affiliation
99 - charged with activities without representing any particular affiliation
The published list of prisoners and detainees to be released does not include Palestinians from Jerusalem and Palestinians from 1948 Palestinian areas, nor does it include any Arab prisoners. It also does not include any of the 75 Palestinian female prisoners. Of the 360 Palestinian child detainees and prisoners in Israeli prisons, only 13 have been named for release.
There are currently over 5,400 Palestinians being held in Israeli prisons and detention centers, including 3 prisoners who have spent over 26 years in prison, 11 who have spent more than 20 years in prison and 75 who have served over 15 years in prison. There are now approximately 750 Palestinians in administrative detention, who should be immediately released based on the fact that there have been no charges brought against them.
Addameer views the selection of detainees to be released as an empty and insubstantial gesture, rather than the so-called confidence building and good will measures Israel purports to. In its selection process, Israel has further divided the prisoners issue and has reflected only its own conditions for prisoner releases, irrespective of any other criteria. Addameer again calls for the unconditional and immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons. [end]
The following breakdown of prisoners to be released is based on lists published by the Israeli Prisons Services website on 4 August 2003
Disbursement of Detainees based on Expected Dates of Release
Disbursement of Detainees According to Date of Arrest
30 detainees whose sentences end August 2003
33 detainees whose sentences end September 2003
29 detainees whose sentences end October 2003
17 detainees whose sentences end November 2003
18 detainees whose sentences end December 2003
52 detainees whose sentences end 2004
3 detainees whose sentences end 2005 Remaining detainees were arrested during the 2000-2003 period
Total: 172 detainees
Disbursement of Detainees based on Sentences
Disbursement of Detainees based on Affiliation
Less than one year – 25 detainees
Detainees without an affiliation to any political faction or party
Sentences is between one to two years – 74 detainees
Hamas and Islamic Student Committees and providing assistance to Hamas
Sentences between 25 months to 36 months – 41 detainees
Islamic Jihad and Islamic groups
Provided assistance to a faction and recruitment (unspecified)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
Force 17
Popular Resistance Committees

Disbursement of charges on which arrest was based

  • Throwing stones – 36 charges
  • Member of Hamas – 31
  • Possession of weapons – 31
  • Throwing Molotov – 30
  • Member of Islamic Student Committee – 20
  • Providing assistance for ‘wanted’ – 20
  • Weapons sales – 15
  • Member of Islamic Jihad – 11
  • Training in weapons use – 10
  • Manufacturing of weapons and bombs – 9
  • Using and planting bombs – 8
  • Recruitment – 7
  • Providing assistance to Hamas – 7
  • Providing assistance to unspecified faction or party – 6
  • Member of Fatah – 4
  • Member of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – 3
  • Shooting – 3
  • Member of Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) – 1
  • Member of Popular Resistance Committees – 1
  • Providing assistance to Islamic Jihad – 1
  • Affiliation in plan to carry out an attack – 1
  • Interrogation of collaborators – 1
  • Arson – 1
  • Entrance without a permit and throwing of Molotov– 1
  • Stealing of cars in addition to membership in Fatah – 1
Note: some detainees have been charged with more than one offence
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