Earlier this week a group of four organizations made the initiative to act in solidarity with PLC member and human rights defender Khalida Jarrar. The four NGOs are Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (CPJPO), Amnesty International Luxembourg (AIL), Action des Chrétiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture, Luxembourg (ACAT) and Cercle des ONG (a common coordination of all NGOs in Luxembourg). They all worked together drafting a letter and sending it to all 60 members of Luxembourg Parliament and 6 EU parliamentarians from Luxembourg informing them about the repeated renewal of administrative detention sentence of Mrs Khalida Jarrar and asking them to write a letter, in their name as Parliamentarian, to Israeli Prime Minister with copy to our NGOs asking to liberate Khalida and all detainees under administrative detention and to put an end to this illegal practice. You can find the Letter attached.

Khalida Jarrar was arrested from her house in Ramallah on 2 July 2017, she received an administrative detention order that was renewed four times. Khalida is meant to be released on 28 February 2019, This would mean that Khalida would be held in prison, without charge or trial, for 20 months and this detention order can still be renewed.

Addameer is grateful to this initiative and calls for more similar actions in solidarity with Khalida Jarrar and the rest of the Palestinian prisoners.