To the esteemed organizations, individuals and community members:

Thank you for standing in solidarity with Addameer Prisoner’s Support and Human Rights Association, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committee and the Palestinian NGO Network during the IOF raids of our offices last week.
Our important human rights advocacy would not be possible without kind supporters like yourself. We can only defend the human rights of Palestinians by working together, and our unity as civil society organizations and conscientious individuals will strengthen our voices as we speak out against the Occupation’s policies.
The Occupation attempted to assert its dominance and control over the West Bank and the Palestinian people by raiding three civil society and human rights organizations. They ransacked our offices in the night, without a warrant, and looted our resources in an effort to cripple our work. However, the attacks on our organizations can immobilize us temporarily, but cannot damper our enthusiasm or motivation to resist the Occupation by continuing to work towards human rights.
Our organizations will strengthen our efforts in defending human rights and speaking out against violations until we see justice and freedom in occupied Palestine. We thank you for your continued support for our work and solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Addameer Prisoner’s Support and Human Rights Association
Union of Palestinian Women’s Committee
Palestinian NGO Network