Al-Jalameh Israeli military court issues a release order today, 8 November 2018 for Dr Fayrouz Sheirm after spending 28 in interrogation. According to Addameer’s lawyer, the decision to release Fayrouz came with her having to pay 4500 Israeli Shekels (1250 USD) as bail money.

Collective punishment is a policy used by the Israeli occupation forces systematically. Recently, after an attack on one of the illegal settlements in Northern West Bank the Israeli occupation forces is utilizing such a policy on a number of Palestinian towns, and their residents, in search of the person accused of carrying out the attack, Ashraf Na’alweh. The Israeli occupation authorities punished a number of individuals and towns in search of Ashraf Na’alweh. This punishment included several arrest to members of his family, some of his neighbors and also friends. More information are outlined in another press-release.

On of the victims of this collective punishment policy is Ashraf’s sister, Dr Fayrouz Sheirm. She was re-arrested on 11 October 2018, and was transferred to al-Jalame interrogation center on the same day. Addameer’s lawyer visited Fayrouz for the first time on 15 October 2018. During the visit, the lawyer documented several violations carried out against Fayrouz. Days after the visit Fayrouz got a ban on meeting her lawyer for 9 days. Her interrogation continued in the whole period of her detention. She suffered from ill-treatment and which included harassment, humiliation, long interrogation sessions, sleep deprivation, threats, psychological pressure, medical negligence and she was kept in unfitting environment for women in detention.