Journalist Omar Nazzal arrested by Occupation Forces while En Route to Journalists Conference

Occupation forces arrested the journalist Omar Nazzal, a member of the General Secretariat of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, and president of the Democratic Journalists Union yesterday, 23 April 2016, from the Israeli Bridge while en route to participation in The European Federation of Journalists General Meeting. 

Tomorrow, the Ofer Military Court will review the request for releasing the journalist Nazzal, upon request of Addameer attorney Mahmoud Hassan who submitted an urgent appeal for Mr. Nazzal’s immediate release. Today, there was a hearing held in the absence of the detainee. Prosecutors and police were given until 9.00 AM tomorrow to respond to the request.

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association condemns the continued and systematic targeting and arrests of journalists, including Mr. Nazzal, in contravention with the internationally codified freedom of expression and of movement. Journalists continue to be targeted for practicing their professions and reporting and investigating human rights violations in occupied Palestine.

Addameer also underlines that Human Rights Defenders must be afforded special protection in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (A/RES/53/144). The United Nations states that human rights defenders include individuals who work in promoting and protecting human rights. According to the United Nations, is an individual who works in: “Investigat[ing], gather[ing] information regarding and report on human rights violations” is considered a Human Rights Defender.