On Monday 22 July 2019, Addameer’s lawyers were able to visit the hunger strikers Ahmed Zahran, who is in solitary confinement in Ramleh Prison Clinic and on day 32 of his hunger strike, Mohmmed abu Akkar, who is in solitary confinement in Asqalan prison and on day 24 of his hunger strike, and Mustafa Hassanat, who is in solitary confinement in Ohlikdar prison and on day 24 of his hunger strike.

Ahmed Zahran reported that he feels a deterioration in his health. He suffers from nausea and a constant feeling of vomiting, especially in the evening. He feels dizzy when standing, a burning sensation when urinating, and severe pain in his abdomen. Movement has become difficult for him and he can only sleep for a few hours. He was taken to Kaplan hospital on Monday where his weight and heart were examined, but he refused any further medical examination. The doctors tried to convince him to take other tests and to take supplements, but he continued to refuse. He lost 22 kilograms from his weight since the start of his strike, and he only drinks water.

Mohammed Abu Akkar reported to Addameer’s lawyer that he was transferred from the from solitary confinement in the Naqab prison after 17 days of his hunger strike to Ohlikdar prison where he was kept for several hours before he was moved to Ramleh for about an hour after which he was transferred for the third time to Asqalan prison. He was removed from Negev prison at 10:30 am and reached Asqalan at 2:30 am, which lead to the further deterioration of his health. He reported he suffers from headaches and severe pain in the stomach which intensifies at night. The main issue he suffers from is a problem with stomach nerves from before his arrest. In addition, he suffers from insomnia and can only sleep a few hours. On his first day in Asqalan prison, his weight was checked and they found that he has lost 16 kilos since the start of the strike. Currently, he is only drinking water without salt or sugar and is boycotting the clinics and medical examinations. The prison authorities refuse to give him underwear, a toothbrush and toothpaste as well as razor blades. He was subjected to punitive measures such as depriving him of recreation, the canteen, and cigarettes for seven days. He is repeatedly harassed by the prison guards trying to convince him to break his strike. In addition, the jailer comes daily and puts food in his cell telling him “today the food is tasty.”

Mustafa Hassant also informed Addameer’s lawyer that he was transferred 17 days after he started his hunger strike from solitary confinement in Naqab prison to solitary confinement in Ohlikdar prison in difficult circumstances. His hands and feet were cuffed while he was being transported on the “Busta”. Upon his arrival he was thoroughly searched and put in a cell which was 2x3 feet including a bathroom. Sometimes they bring him cold water and sometimes they do not. He took a medical examination when he arrived at Ohlikdar which indicated that he had lost 17 kilos, and that his blood pressure and sugar were low and he was offered supplements and vitamins. He is currently refusing to take medical tests and the supplements. He also reported he feels that the muscles in his hand are moving involuntarily. Mustafa also refuses to stand up because he is tired and he cannot stand up. He is not offered recreational time and he is harassed by the prison guards, who bring meals daily and put them at the door in an attempt to break his strike.

It is worth noting that there are six prisoners on hunger strike in protest against their adminstrative detention. These prisoners are Jafar Izz el-deen, who has been on hunger strike for 39 days and remains in isolation at “Ramle Prison Clinic,” Ahmed Zahran, Mohamed Abu Akkar, and Mustafa Hassanat who remain in solitary confinement, and Hassan al-Zeghary who has been on hunger strike for 15 days and continues to be held in solitary confinement in Ofer prison.

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Associationreiterates its call on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to shoulder its responsibility and act urgently to visit the striking prisonersin order toreport on their health conditions. Addameer also calls upon the international community to intervene to save the lives of the striking prisoners as their health condition has and continues to deteriorate and to put an end to the policy of adminstrative detention practiced by the occupying state in violation of international convention and conventions. Addameer affirms its full support for the legitimate demands of the prisoners on hunger strike for freedom.