Adalah and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association sent a complaint on behalf of the family of Fadi Alloun to the Israeli Police Investigation Unit ("Mahash") demanding an investigation into the police shooting and killing of 19-year old Alloun on 4 October 2015 in East Jerusalem.

The shooting occurred following calls by a mob of right-wing Israeli Jewish citizens urging the police to shoot him on sight, after an alleged stabbing. The events were recorded on video and clearly showed that Alloun did not pose an immediate threat to any civilian or policeman, and therefore there was no justification for the shooting and killing.

Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara and Addameer Attorney Mohammed Mahmoud wrote in the letter that the police officers at the incident violated the rules of engagement, which only permit fatal shooting as a last resort, after all other measures have been exhausted, and when the suspect poses an immediate danger. "The police in this case chose to use deadly weapons as the only option, as a first course of action instead of as a last resort," wrote the attorneys.

In addition, the complaint noted that the police refused Addameer's request in the past week to conduct an autopsy of Alloun's body, in order to clarify and more closely examine the causes of his death. The human rights organizations argued that the police's rejection raises the concern of a clear conflict of interest. "The attempt to avoid an investigation in this case, even though it is not a case of natural death, raises serious suspicion that the police are attempting to tamper with the evidence and disrupt the investigation in advance, as well as damage essential factual findings."

The human rights organizations argued that in light of these developments, Mahash must immediately open an investigation into the circumstances of the killing. Alloun's body was released to the family Sunday at 2 am, one week after his killing, and he was buried without an autopsy.

Adalah and Addameer condemn the killing of Fadi Alloun by Israeli police even though he posed no threat at the time he was shot. The killing violates International Human Rights Law standards which prohibit the use of lethal force against civilians and limits it to times when they pose serious threat and harm. Resorting to using lethal force against Alloun renders his killing a form of extrajudicial execution. Alloun’s killing further violates International Humanitarian law standards which provides Palestinians living under Israeli occupation including in East Jerusalem with protected persons status.